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  /  Notepad++

A .gitattributes file is technically all that you need to enforce the line endings in the remote copy of your code. However, as we just saw, you may still see CRLF line endings on Windows locally because .gitattributes doesn’t tell Git to change the working copies of your files. You certainly could ask all your developers

However, that doesn’t mean it’s the most user-friendly. Vim definitely requires a learning curve and a willingness to immerse yourself in a whole new feature-set arabicclean.com/archives/28679 that might not be the same as some other text editors you are used to. WithAtom, you gain access to an open source text editor with developers in mind. In

Next, go to the Plugins menu and you can see compare plugin there. Once the plugin is installed, you should see a new option called “Compare” in the “Plugins” menu. Copy the contents of the desired ComparePlus release zip file into the newly created folder. Please use the correct archive version based on your Notepad++ architecture